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medical production workshop portable clen room design and set up

We specialise in the planning and construction of modular clean rooms for sterile production workshops. These portable clean room are a game - changer for medical industry, providing flexibility and rapid deployment.




E-Clean Dust-Free Cleanrooms

E-Clean builds and designs dust-free cleanrooms ranging from FS209E levels 100 to 100,000, which equate to ISO 14644 levels 5 to 8. For 300,000-level cleanrooms, a sub HEPA filter may be used. For levels 100-100,000, we recommend installation of a system of primary, secondary, and  high-efficiency HEPA filters. The airflow rates of the secondary and high-efficiency filters should be less than or equal to the specified airflow rate of the cleanroom. Secondary filters should be concentrated around the barotropic section of the air handling system, while the high-efficiency filters should be concentrated around the end of the air handling system




Additional Considerations for Dust-Free Cleanrooms

Dust-free cleanrooms maintain a positive pressure environment and control the number of dust particles in the air via an advanced filtration system. In addition to the filtration system, the level of cleanliness in a cleanroom is determined by internal and external environmental factors, such as the amount of people and equipment contained within the cleanroom and the amount of traffic passing through the room. The amount of air changes per hour (air change rate or ACR), air velocity, method of airflow, fan size and fan speed are just some of the variables that we consider when designing a world-class cleanroom solution for your enterprise.


Our dust-free cleanroom series can be designed and built to suit clients who require high-quality air filtration in the electronics, semiconductor, precision fabrication, LCD manufacturing, optics, circuitry, and other related industries.


 medical mask production workshop















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